Mandiakui provides rapid deployment of Mandiakui Microgrids, composed of Mandiakui Stations, each of which combines power generation, 5G service, and physical structures. Mandiakui Microgrids deliver community-scale digitally transformed civil services -
such as small scale cross border community trade facilitation, pandemic rapid response, civil registration and vital stastic management, education, civil service administration, and financial inclusion.
Each Mandiakui station generates electricity, provides compute, includes a 5G signal tower, and provides a physical structure supporting the delivery of civil services. Mandiakui stations may be deployed incrementally as part of national and regional programs of digital transformation. Mandiakui stations coordinate data using the internationally established e-Estonian X-Road.
Mandiakui’s goal is to strengthen healthy communities in challenging environments, ensuring that communities can respond vigourously and positively to pressures from climate change, pandemics, and global political instability.
Digital Transformation Engine
Each Mandiakui Station
- provides
functional biometric identity
for up to 500,000 people while avoiding both
- a central database (strong cybersecurity and abuse risks)
- a perpetual vendor (diminishment of national sovereignty)
- defines a
digital sovereignty
which regulates data
and credential exchange between well known parties - for example:
- personal health records and doctor/patient digital relationships
- labor motility within the community, especially if it crosses national boundaries
- cross border law enforcement and national security data exchange
- trade facilitation and tax collection, including payment integration
- health and education services and facilities
- government administration for the community
- biometric voter registration and verifiable elections
A Mandiakui Microgrid
defines a self-powering, cryptographically secured, digital service suite. Following the e-Estonian model, the infrastructure for this digital community is procured, installed, financed, legally represented by, and managed by a public/private partnership. This entity is, in effect, digitally sovereign - but, in no way, physically sovereign.
digitally transforms communities through the deployment of green power generation, managed 5G, as-needed functional architecture, and combat-vetted secure micro-data centers. The data centers support the regular migration of local community needs from paper based to biometrically bound e-Government processes.
engages nearby communities, national digital systems, as well as civil society, regional and international organizations. For example, the UNIOM MIDAS adapter and the UNHCR PRIMES adapter ensure the community is prepared for engagement - for example, when a disaster strikes nearby and your Mandiakui Microgrid helps rapidly absorb the social pressures.
enhances the human condition where best-practices and civil society are already part of the legal firmament but where natural, technical, or civil society infrastructure is lacking.
protects border regions by establishing critical health parity on all sides of a border, transparently sharing health data in accordance with leading-practices in personal data management, privacy, and resistance to misuse, while enabling rapid integration with pandemic and epidemic management software.
stabilizes border regions by providing a point of mutual interest in the event bordering nations engage in conflict.
Mandiakui reduces the risk of future crises by facilitating incremental digital transformation and strengthening communities in challenging multistakeholder environments such as remote borders & ports, municipalities, and small island developing states.
Digital Transformation Timeline
Rapid Deployment
Data Centers, Green Power Generation, Physical Security and Supporting Structures delivered in a convoy of 20’ shipping containers. Deployed on our Zero to Hero timeline:
- operational within 7 days,
- 14 days of regional integration,
- 7 days for final acceptance
Containerized data centers combined with green power generation establish an immediate, local, highly secure, non-consumer 5G network:
Microgrid Driven Growth
Each Mandiakui Station overproduces green electricity for the deployment community, while providing solution components for humanitarian, government, or civil society need. A cluster of Stations can be connected to provide power, data, and digital services for populations of up to 500,000.
Digital Sovereignty and International Interoperability
Mandiakui Microgrids are cryptographically isolated from the internet and utilize the e-Estonian X-Road system for integration with national, international, regional, and global systems. In general, a Mandiakui Microgrid can be thought of as a turnkey mini-state, supporting a multi-national population of no more than 500,000 - and capable of supporting frictionless integration with global digital economies.